How to activate Hero Ultimate Skill

The coolest graphics in WonderHero Battle. Everyone loves the ultimate skill moments :) Here's how to use it.

All Heroes have their ultimate skill. At the beginning of battle, all ultimate skill are on cooldown. In this example, Sarah's ultimate skill has a cooldown of 6 turns.

Once the cooldown timer has reached 0, Sarah's ultimate skill is ready to be activated. Tap on the Ultimate button to enter the Ultimate mode.

You can see lightning effects around the Hero when their ultimate skill is ready.

In Ultimate Mode, you can see the Ultimate cast range and the units that are affected by it. Tap on Release button to activate the Ultimate.

Important tip, tapping on Ultimate does not end the turn. Ultimate skills are activated immediately.

You can see all the different Hero Ultimate Skills in the Hero Info section.

Once Ultimate skill is used, it will enter cooldown, you have to wait for the cooldown to reach 0 before you can use it again.

Last updated