How to Stake WND to earn HON

Step 1: Visit and click [Earn] and select [Earn HON]

Step 2: Under [Stake] to input the $WND quantity you wish to stake and click [Approve]. You will be redirected to your Metamask wallet to [confirm] the transaction so please ensure you have sufficient $BNB to pay for the transaction fees.

Step 3: Once the staking is confirmed, you will be able to see the $WND you have staked and the $HON you will earn as long as the $WND is being staked.

How To Claim $HON Rewards

Step 1: Visit and click [Earn] . Under [Earn HON] click [Claim]

Step 2: You will be redirected to your Metamask wallet to sign and approve the transaction so click [Confirm] to proceed.

Once the claim is successful, you can close the pop-up window and go to your Metamask wallet to check the $HON assets.

Note: Remember to import HON token into your Metamask wallet otherwise you won’t be able to see the $HON assets in your Metamask wallet.

How To Import $HON to Metamask

Step 1: Login your Metamask wallet. Ensure you are on the BSC Binance Smart Chain and click [Import Tokens]

Step 2: Under [Import Tokens] input $HON contract address and click [Add Custom Token] to proceed.

$HON Contract Address: 0x20a30a68bEa440c34f7Ca4Aa31527c9180836f86

Note: Once you input $HON contract address, the token symbol and decimal will auto-displayed. Remember to check if the information are correct before proceeding.

Step 3: Click [Import Tokens] to proceed. Once you have successfully imported $HON to your Metamask wallet, you can go back to the main page and you will see your $HON assets.

Last updated