🏆Cosplay Hall of Fame

As we induct our cosplay winners into the Hall of Fame, catch our exclusive Interview with our Cosplay Winners right here!

Darryl Izzy

Darry Izzy Interview

Q1. Say Hi to the WonderHero community and introduce yourself! Hello everyone, my name is Izzy and I'm from Cheras, Selangor, Malaysia. I have two hobbies which are Streaming and also Cosplaying. I started to cosplay from 2010 until now, which is around 12 years.

Q2. Tell us why did you pick this hero to cosplay? So why did I choose this character? Ok, firstly this Hero in WonderHero is called Sigurd Odinson, I picked this character because he has the impression of a role of Tanker and also a Protector of his team. And also, the character design is very unique and I want to challenge myself to make the costume and prop because it is really awesome.

Q3. Tell us about your Journey creating this costume! Turning the 2D character into a real life armor is always fun but it's kind of challenging because we don't have much reference to the character. I did this armor together with my prop maker wife so the teamwork makes the hard work easier. We did a lot of research but we couldn't find any reference of the back side, rear design of the armor so we drew the design up to our own imagination. It took about two weeks to finish this armor set as we needed to gather some materials from local stores and as well from the International. The key highlights of my costume is my jetpack on my back so we did a lot of research and also put a little "Spellcraft" đŸ¤Ŗ No, I mean we did a lot of reference and research to make the jet pack!

Q4. Do you have a social media account for WonderHero players who want to find out more about your work? I have a team cosplay which is called Team Blood Cosplay & Props so we usually drop our Work In Progress tutorial and updates on our Facebook.

Q5. If you were to cosplay another WonderHero character, who would be the next choice? If I give an option to choose the character in WonderHero, I'm gonna choose to cosplay as a Villain Character because all the armor and the design are so unique and I like to challenge myself.

Q5. Are you looking forward to another WonderHero cosplay competition in the future? Of course! If there is another WonderHero Cosplay Competition, I absolutely love to join again and also I encourage my team to join too!

Rei Jun

Rei Jun Interview

Q1. Say Hi to the WonderHero community and introduce yourself! Hi WonderHero Community, I'm Rei Jun from Malaysia. I've been cosplaying since around 2018/2019. Q2. Tell us why did you pick this hero to cosplay? So, why did I pick this Hero to cosplay, which is Vel Kyrie, is because I love her design so much. I love her short hair, her overall costume design and also is that cute smirk smile she has on her face. Q3. Tell us about your Journey creating this costume! It was quite challenging, it has been quite a long time since I last touched props making, it's more than around 3 to 4 years ago. It is also challenging because I have to balance my time between full time work, material hunting, reading and watching tutorials and also getting reference for the costume. I couldn't also spend a full day on the costume because I am working. There are also a lot of other commitments that took me almost a whole week. When I decided to go for Vel Kyrie's Leader of Battle version, I knew I wanted to implement some of the lights on the costume. And since it was my first time trying to implement LEDs on the costume, I sort of used EL Wire instead which I am really glad because I think if I put LEDs, it will probably take me a long time. I wish I could showcase the EL Wires better in the costume and construct it in one instance. Q4. What do you think of WonderHero Characters? I think they're wonderful, they have a different mix of personalities and interesting back stories, literally like a wide range of Waifu and not to mention they also have an extensive range of abilities and a lot of wonderful costume designs. Q5. If you were to cosplay another WonderHero character, who would be the next choice? I would probably go for Yoori Kim, the Scarlet Demon Version. She was actually my top choice, but due to the time restriction I couldn't make the preparation, to prepare for the costume. I love her armor and magnificent designs and I think it would be an interesting project to work on. Q6. Do you have a social media account for WonderHero players who want to find out more about your work? I'm afraid I don't have any dedicated social media account for my cosplay work, so sorry about that! Q7. Are you looking forward to another WonderHero cosplay competition in the future? I'm looking forward to another WonderHero Cosplay Competition. It was a really pleasant experience with the team and I did meet a lot of wonderful cosplayers. So definitely. Thank you very much for hosting a wonderful event and I am looking forward to meet more of WonderHero cosplayers in the future. So keep having fun with the game and stay safe everyone, thank you!

MD Hasif

MD Hasif Interview

Q1. Say Hi to the WonderHero community and introduce yourself! Hi guys I'm crafty prop uh I'm from KL (Kuala Lumpur) and I've been cosplaying uh since 2010. Q2. Tell us why did you pick this hero to cosplay? I love the design of the character especially because because the helmet actually reminds me of Kamen Rider and the color palette is so cool looking.

Q3. Tell us about your Journey creating this costume! It was actually very challenging as there's hardly any reference picture available on the internet and I have to scour the game or asking friends just to help me to find it. The ones that I couldn't find I just have to improvise, I'll just follow my gut feeling especially for the little details. So yeah, it took me about two months give and take, just to complete the costume. Q4. What are the challenges you face when making this costume. The helmet because that's actually the centerpiece of the costume. That's the sole reason to why I choose these particular character stealth assassin yeah.

Q5. If you were to cosplay another WonderHero character, who would be the next choice? To be honest I would rather still be doing Stealth Assassin because I would want to improve the costume. There are so much things that can be done with the costume especially if I can access to more reference picture especially from the official source. Because for me cosplaying or making the costume itself is a journey. I wouldn't feel satisfied just to have the first version. If possible, I would like to continue doing until fifth version or or at least until I feel satisfied doing it.

Q6. Do you have a social media account for them WonderHero players who want to find out more about your work? If you guys want to follow me, you guys can follow my Instagram: @crafty_prop. You guys can follow me for my Work-In-Progress pictures and tips on how to make phone props. That's it, thank you!

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