How to Stake WND in WND-BNB LP Staking Pool to Earn WND

How To Provide Liquidity and Get LP Tokens

How To Join $WND-$BNB LP Staking Pool

  1. Visit our official website:

  2. Select [Earn] on the top navigation bar.

  3. Click [Login] and connect to your Metamask wallet. Note: Ensure you are on Binance Smart Chain network.

  4. Under [WND-BNB-LP Stake] click [Stake/Unstake] button and select [Stake] to input the quantity you wish to stake and click [Stake] button to proceed with the staking.

  5. Click [Confirm] to approve the $BNB transaction fees on Metamask. This is the corresponding $BNB required for the staking. Note: You will be redirected to Metamask wallet to approve the transaction and ensure you have sufficient $BNB in your Metamask wallet.

  6. Click [Stake] again to proceed staking.

  7. Once the staking is confirmed, you will be able to see the $WND-BNB LP you have staked.

Note: For first-time stakers, please ensure to click stake to sign and approve the transaction on Metamask wallet, and click stake again to proceed with the staking. For subsequent staking, the user only need to click stake once to proceed staking.

Important: BEWARE OF SCAMS and ensure that you check and copy the one and only official $WND/$BNB LP Contract Address (Updated as of 28 Apr 2022):

How To UnStake in the $WND-$BNB LP Staking Pool

During the staking period, users can choose to unstake anytime but kindly do note that the staking rewards in LP tokens and APR will be adjusted accordingly.

  1. Visit our official website:

  2. Select [Earn] on the top navigation bar.

  3. Click [Login] and connect to your Metamask wallet. Note: Ensure you are on Binance Smart Chain network.

  4. Under [WND-BNB-LP Stake] click [Stake/Unstake] button and select [Unstake] tab to input the quantity you wish to unstake and click [Unstake] button to proceed with the unstaking.

  5. Click [Confirm] to approve the $BNB transaction fees on Metamask. This is the corresponding $BNB required for the unstaking. Note: You will be redirected to Metamask wallet to approve the transaction and ensure you have sufficient $BNB in your Metamask wallet.

  6. Once the unstaking is confirmed, if you have unstaked partially, you will be able to see the updated $WND-BNB LP you have staked.

How To Claim My Staking Rewards in LP Tokens?

At the end of the staking period, you will be able to redeem your original LP tokens and the staking rewards in LP tokens. Simply click on the [Claim] button and confirm the $BNB transaction fees on Metamask. Once the claim is successful, you will see the LP tokens in your Metamask wallet.

Last updated