Guild Master Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Guild Master edit the scholar's details? The Guild Master can edit Scholarsโ€™ Details by clicking on [Account Management] Tab on the left, select a Scholar Account and click [Edit].

Guild Masters are unable to change their Game Login Email upon setting up the Yield System.

Guild Masters are able to:

  1. Change Scholar Account Password.

  2. Change Scholarsโ€™ Information in every Scholar Account.

  3. Change Guild Master/Scholar/In-Game Commission Earnings.

  4. Replace Existing Scholars with New Scholars in the same Scholar Account.

Please change the Scholar Password when replacing Scholars. Guild Masters are to retrieve New Scholar Email and Wallet Address from the New Scholar. The Yield System will automatically send a termination email to the replaced Scholar and an invitation email will be sent to the new Scholar.

How do Guild Masters withdraw tokens? The Yield System will distribute the Commission automatically to the Guild Masterโ€™s Main Account. Alternatively, Guild Masters can manually withdraw tokens by clicking on the [My Account] Tab and clicking the [Withdraw] Button to withdraw to Metamask Wallet.

After Scholars have finished upgrading their NFTs, Guild Masters can also withdraw excess HON/WND tokens from multiple Scholar Accounts to Guild Masterโ€™s Main Account Balance.

Are the NFT rewards owned by the Guild Master or the Scholar? All NFT Reward Drops are owned by the Guild Master.

If the NFT rewards are owned by the Guild Master only, will the NFT Staking Rewards or NFT Sale Profits be shared to the scholar? Currently, Scholars are only able to earn their HON/WND commission through token drops during gameplay. They are unable to get profits from NFT Staking and NFT Sales.

Other Questions

What are the Email Notifications Guild Masters should expect? Commission Revenue earned yesterday will be emailed to Guild Masters daily at 7AM (UTC+0).

Can Guild Masters customize the Email Notification timing/frequency? Currently the notification time for emails are fixed.

Last updated